Jihyun Park Software Engineer MS Student, Seoul National University

About Me

I am an M.S. student majoring in the Department of Computer Science at Seoul National University. I have received B.S. in Korea University. Over the course of undergraduate school, I interned at NAVER. My research interests are Data Analysis, Social Network Analysis, Anomaly Detection, and specifically focusing on Review Spam Detection.


[2012.03~2016.02] B.S. in Computer Science & Engineering, Korea University. (National Science&Technology Scholarship)
[2016.03~present] M.S. in Computer Science, Seoul National University. Social & Computer Network Lab.
Advisor: Prof. Chong-Kwon Kim.


A lot of development experience using Python.
Several projects with C++.
Small projects using C, Java, and Android.


Research interest includes Social Network Analysis, Big Data Analysis, Anomaly Detection, and Review Spam Detection.
Now, I'm focusing on Users' Behavior against spammers in Online Review Platforms.


Work Experience

  • NAVER Corp. Summer Internship ( 2015.07~2015.08 )

Web Spam Detection
An experience on Hadoop System


  • Domestic Journals

Jihyun Park, Chong-Kwon Kim, "Performance Evaluation of Review Spam Detection for a Domestic Shopping Site Application", Journal of KIISE, April 2017

Check it out
  • Domestic Conferences

Jihyun Park, Chong-Kwon Kim, "Performance Evaluation of Review Spam Detection for Domestic Shopping Site Application", Korea Computer Congress, 2016 (Best Paper Award)

Check it out

Club Activity

  • Nexters - Android front-end Developer/ 4th CTO

"Nexters" is a club for software developers and designers. We work together and create what we imagine.
I participated as a Android front-end developer and club developers' manager.
I take part in two Anroid projects: the first one is smart GPA Planner and the second is Interior SNS (House)

Check it out

Teaching Assistant

  • Engineering Mathematics 2 (Spring.2016)

Textbook: M.Mitzenmacher and E.Upfal, "Probability and Computing: Randomized Algorithms and Probabilistic Analysis", 2005, Cambridge Univ. Press.

Selected Projects



Will MARVEL fans love NIKE too?
Which movie should NIKE choose to collaborate for a big profit?
More generally, Is there a relationship between one's brand preference and music/movie tastes?
We actually don't know! However, we thought that choosing or deciding something reflects one's tastes unconsciously.
So, we checked it using Machine Learning.We crawled data, trained classifier, and found out a brand suited one’s taste.
Check it out our YouTube and Github!

YouTube Github

Speech Recognizer

Implement Continuous Speech Recognizer! I construct GMM-HMM model and find answer using Viterbi algorithm. Please check my Github!


Question Answering System

Implement Knowledge based QA system! We implemented natural language processing module to understand humans' natural questions and also implemented question normalization module to request for answer. We utilize Stanford CoreNLP, Freebase, and so on. Check more details on my Github.


Information Retrieval System

Retrieve relevant news articles to a query! I used 600MB news articles and implemented from stemming to tuning my search engine. I implemented traditional TF-IDF algorithm, Vector Space model and also BM25.



AnytimeAnywhere is a music recommendation service by smartly detecting mood and situation of a user.
Do you know that your walking pace shows your mood? We got an idea from this motivation.
We recommend and play a music by your walking pace, weather, and time. You don't need any other controls. Just click play button and feel your mood now.


Automatic Trading System

Build actual trading system which maximize the asset return! I trained stream of tick data of 15 companies and find pattern/ signal which cause increase or decrease of stock price. And then, I build actual trading program. If the pattern appears(matchs), I made a transaction(buy or sell).
Did I lose assets, or get it? Check it on my Github!



Undergraduate Course (Major GPA: 3.78/4.5)

  • Artificial Intelligence

Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Information Retrieval

  • Mathmatics / Probability

Probability and Random Process, Linear Algebra, Discrete Matehmatics, Theory of Computation, Engineering Mathematics 1

  • Operating System

Operating System, System Programming, Computer Systems, Compiler

  • Network

Computer Network, Internet Protocols

  • Theory / Others

Data Structure, Algorithms, Databases, Computer Graphics, Software Engineering, Computer Architecture, Logic Design and Experiments, Human Computer Interaction, Multimedia Programming, Object-Oriented Programming

Graduate Course (Major GPA: 3.78/4.3)

Introduction to Data Analysis, Information Visualization and Visual Analytics, Genetic Algorithm, Topics in Internet, Topics in Computer Networks, Topics in Computer Applications